Cloudflare R2

Cloudflare R2 Remote State

Cloudflare R2 is an S3-compatible object storage service. You can configure Mantle's S3 provider to use Cloudflare R2.

Create an account

Create a Cloudflare account from their sign up page (opens in a new tab).

Create an R2 bucket

From the Cloudflare console, select R2 from the sidebar and click "Create bucket." Give your bucket a name like {your-name}-mantle-states. By default, access is restricted so only you can access your data.

Click "Create bucket" to finish creating your bucket.

Upload your existing state file

If you are migrating an existing project from local state files to remote, you will need to upload your state file to your bucket.

Before you do so though you need to pick your project name which will be used for the name of the state file in your bucket and in your Mantle configuration in the next step.

Rename your local state file to {project-name}.mantle-state.yml, then upload it to your bucket. From the Cloudflare bucket console, drag and drop your state file or open the file picker to upload your file.

Configure your Mantle project

Head back to your Mantle config file and add the state configuration:

# ...your existing configuration
        name: <r2-region-name>
        endpoint: <r2-s3-api>
    bucket: <bucket-name>
    key: <project-name>
  • Replace <r2-region-name> with the region your bucket was created in. This will generally be the closest region to yourself or the region you specified during creation. Check the R2 docs (opens in a new tab) for the full list of possible regions.
  • Replace <r2-s3-api> with the API endpoint for your bucket. You can find this in your bucket's settings tab under the "Bucket Details" section.
  • Replace <bucket-name> with the name you selected when you created your bucket.
  • Replace <project-name> with the name of your project. This will be used to name the state file in your bucket. For example, if you supply pirate-wars it will create a pirate-wars.mantle-state.yml file in your bucket.

Supply your R2 credentials

At this point if you were to run mantle deploy it would attempt to download your state file from R2 but it would fail because you have not provided any authorization for your bucket.

To get your credentials, go to the R2 Overview page on Cloudflare, and navigate to "Manage R2 API Tokens". Create a new token with the "Object Read & Write" permissions and apply it to your bucket. Once created, you will see a couple of secrets. You'll need to use the "Access Key ID" and "Secret Access Key" for Mantle.

To learn how to pass these credentials to Mantle, read the Authentication guide.

Once supplied, you can run mantle deploy or any other commands and they will operate on your remote state file! If you were migrating from local state to remote state, you should delete the .mantle-state.yml file from your Git repo as it will be unused and out of date.